Getting The Flags Ready To Fly: Tip Up Prep
With hard water right around the corner, now is the perfect time to start getting the ice fishing gear ready to rock. Unfortunately many...

Shore Fishing The Wisconsin River
Finding a good spot to fish on the Wisconsin River can seem like a daunting task. There is an overwhelming amount of fishable shore along...

Spring Pike on the Fall
Springtime is by far my most favorite time of the year to fish. You get to go outside after being cooped up for months, use a normal...

Ice Fishing Report 1-7-2017
Although the temperatures have been nearly intolerable, the fishing in and around Madison has been pretty decent for those brave enough...

Madison, WI Fishing Report 10-15-2016
Fishing has been absolutely fantastic all around Madison this past week. The bite has been primarily game fish (walleye, muskies, pike,...