Getting The Flags Ready To Fly: Tip Up Prep
With hard water right around the corner, now is the perfect time to start getting the ice fishing gear ready to rock. Unfortunately many...

Rigging Rapala Husky Jerks for Spring Muskies
Spring can be a challenging time of year to catch muskies, especially here in Madison. Generally speaking, game fish are chasing smaller...

Lee Lures Flap Tail Review
Fishing highly pressured waters such as the Madison Chain can prove difficult at times. This is especially true when chasing trophy...

Late Summer/Fall Salmon From Shore (Part 2)
With summer winding down and the cool mornings of fall upon us, the salmon run is in full swing all along the shores of Lake Michigan. In...

Late Summer Salmon From Shore (Part 1)
Salmon are in my opinion one of the most exciting fish to target in the Midwest. Between the drag destroying runs and the aerial...