Tip Ups for Trout
Trout are an absolute blast to catch through the ice, but they are notoriously picky fish. Using tip-ups for these fish is a great way to...

Simple Tip-Up Leader Storage System
Do you ever find that your leaders end up getting kinked, twisted, or twirled from storage? Whether they end up in a box, buried in a...

Getting The Flags Ready To Fly: Tip Up Prep
With hard water right around the corner, now is the perfect time to start getting the ice fishing gear ready to rock. Unfortunately many...

Ice Fishing Report 1-7-2017
Although the temperatures have been nearly intolerable, the fishing in and around Madison has been pretty decent for those brave enough...

Ice. Tip-ups. ACTION!
Targeting Walleye on Tip-ups Walleye are one of the most sought after gamefish here in the Midwest, both through the ice and open water....